Although a university's faculty is there to teach without "inveighing" against the "doctrines and usages" of the denomination, they are not there to install those doctrines and usages in their students. They are there to teach. Religion faculty are there more particularly to teach the gospel, its place in Holy Scripture, in the history of the church, in the doctrines of the church, in the "doctrines and usages" of the sponsoring denomination, and to critique those places and times where and when the gospel has been sidelined, say, for the sake of institutional advancement. Particularly in a denomination, such as the Church of the Nazarene, that changes at least some of its articulations of sanctioned "doctrines and usages" every four years, faculty are to lead their students to test what the sponsoring denomination has for the moment publicly declared to be its position. The by no means hidden mutability of its Manual places a unique responsibility on the intellectuals of the Church to think such things through. And since there is a heavy concentration of the Church's intellectuals in its universities and those universities are to be collegial, working across disciplines and job descriptions, working always entangled in the lives of students, it is there—in the denomination's universities—that habits and conventions are most heartily to be challenged, and without fear.