Upon Hearing of Another University Crack-Down on Faculty

Context: Although I ended my "career" after a 14-year assignment to teach at a nominally Wesleyan, diversely Evangelical university, I taught the previous 24 years in Nazarene universities: PLNU, TNU, and ONU. I have two degrees from a fourth Nazarene university and an M.Div. from Nazarene Theological Seminary. I am a retired, yet still ordained deacon in the Church of the Nazarene. I observed, sometimes up close, every single one of those Nazarene institutions go through periods of faculty suppression. This was always due to pressure applied to administrators by persons with perceived institutional power. That is, administrators were made afraid and in turn sought to make faculty afraid. All for the sake of changing perceptions. After watching this for decades, I realized that the culture of the Church of the Nazarene is one of power and fear. I have remained in the Church to be a means of grace to those thus made afraid and to resist the temptation to yield to fear. I am sorry that I have not done so consistently, but nothing about my calling has been more important to me.

There are times when I think that the reason some people are so shocked and appalled by what they have heard about the ideas voiced in university classrooms is that they either never had good teachers or never paid attention to the ones they had. The point of university education is not to thrust some party line into young, impressionable minds, but to invite those minds to open to the gospel in all its complexity. It's never simple to pull it off, but the task of a liberal arts church college is show that every discipline opens to or is opened by the gospel. That will have to be done experimentally and tentatively, but that is the task. That means that a university is to invite students and others to think and wonder prayerfully, always in every seminar or lecture to keep a "nevertheless, not as I will, but your will be done!" hovering over every word. That also means that, insofar as it is possible, everything has to be considered, even positions that would horrify some persons who don't understand what it is to be a faithful university. And they have to be considered humbly, allowing for the possibility that God will bless even that.

And there is something else. University faculty have the responsibility to walk their students through the life changes that new ideas and new relationships bring. They are to love their students, befriend their students, suffer with their students, pray with and for their students, never refusing to embrace their students because of some abstraction that is authorized by some institution, e.g., by a sponsoring denomination or by the institutional habits of the university itself. Faculty are to say "Yes!" to their students, even when that is hard, even when students are closed to them, even when there seems no way to get through. And even when faculty members can't understand how the behavior or attitudes or apparent self-destruction of their students could ever be a means of God's grace, even then they are to pray, "Father, work even here to do your will!"

So, please remember that, if you ever are tempted to call down fire on the faculty of your educational institutions. Love the people who love their students. And do good to them.

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