I have slowly come to realize that my concerns with race, gender, and other markers of modern America (etc.) are first very particular socio-economic class concerns. There are personal exceptions to this, but I am generally concerned with bigotry against trans people or black people or women because those folks are disproportionately to be found among the poor. Of course, when I found myself on university search committees, I’d prioritize “under-represented” applicants and all other things being equal, my favor would lean in their direction. When people I love are pushed down because of some abstraction (like “gender identity”), I ache for them and rage against the systems that treat them badly. However, I don’t finally dream of a day when the children of America (etc.) have equal opportunities to rise as high as their powers and skills would take them or when all American (etc.) population groups, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, or whatever, are proportionately distributed even at the upper levels of American society. I think what I want is for class to come crashing down. https://youtu.be/CGDZdy8lDmc