How Might One Be "Political"?

My politics has got to be confusing. On the one hand, I really am an ecclesial anarchist, i.e., I think political action and imagination are always to be concrete, close to the ground, leaderless, (Christologically) cruciform, liturgical, and eschatologically (martyrologically) deferential. (I know, another mouthful. Sorry.) But at the same time, all this is a prayer for justice (righteousness) for the poor and a Lukan denunciation of the rich. Any move by the principalities and powers of this world that gesture in the direction of such justice and denunciation strikes me as an echo of the gospel, however distorted. That is why I find the rhetoric of "progressives" to be generally appealing and that of "conservatives" to be generally appalling. It's also why I so despise the idea "Donald Trump" and find "Joe Biden" to be only minimally better. One of the main reasons I don't vote is that voting tempts me to believe that there is some direct route to "good news for the poor" from what goes on in the halls of vain power.

COVID-19 and the Root of All Evil

A Failure to Care About Strangers