On the Abolition of “Race”

Here is a comment I just made in a Facebook group about a declaration that we need to drop the category "race." A friend of mine asked what was wrong with the statement and here's what I said:

It fails to take account of power dynamics and the particularity of love (as opposed, say, to abstract sentiment). "Race" is in fact an invention, one made by people who were self-consciously superior to those they had for some time controlled by violent, colonial, means. But so much damage has been done by it and it has entered so deeply into the way we think and act that to pretend to be in a position to brush it casually away is to leave it in place. It will not yield so easily. Now, I absolutely believe that Holiness people everywhere are to denounce "whiteness," but that is different than pretending that it isn't there. To that extent "whiteness" is like national borders. Neither lives outside the imagination. However, cross either one without approval and you're dead.

Something I Posted on Facebook, June 13, 2016.

Brueggemann on "Holiness"